Raise your hand for age-appropriate current events

Find the classroom tools you’ve always needed with video news. Students will learn what's going all over the world right now. Teachers will find appropriate material that keeps teens engaged.

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Critical Thinking

Biblical Discernment

News Literacy

Free the news and the rest will follow.

In ten minutes, this daily program will inform even the squirmiest of students. Teachers keep telling us that WORLD Watch is adaptable enough to fit into their school schedules, whether they’re addressing topics as they arise in certain subjects, watching the show during lunch to engage in deeper discussions, or assigning the day’s program as homework.

Become a WORLD Watch classroom

Win ‘most likely to succeed’ at an annual rate of

$199.00 per year


Become a WORLD Watch school

Rule the entire school (3 or more classrooms) at an annual rate of

$499.00 per year


WORLD Watch Academy Program

Due to the generosity of our donors, select schools will receive an annual subscription at no cost to them.


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